Love, Sara Faye

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Ways to be Productive From Home During Quarantine

Reformation cream romper, Mango snake heels, Ray-ban sunglasses

Hi all,

Taking a break from normal programming to let you guys know how I’ve been spending my time lately! I know we’re all handling this a little differently. Some of us are thriving in our solitude with a wave of creativity, and some of us are having a little trouble keeping focus. I think there are several ways to handle what’s happening and there’s really no right or wrong, but I had some people on insta tell me that my schedule helped them, so I thought I’d share.

This is the schedule I made for myself that I’m trying to stick to.

For my meals, I have coffee and breakfast when I’m taking in my daily digest (around 8:15 AM) and I have dinner after my workout. I treat myself to snacks throughout the day including: a protein shake with peanut butter and bananas, avo toast, and white cheddar popcorn. Honestly I also noticed if you’re cooking all your meals, the days go by way faster.

For exercising, I’m really excited that I get to work out five days a week now. I feel like during normal work hours, it was always hard to motivate myself to get to the gym, but now that all the gyms are closed, it’s like you never really know what you have until it’s gone, lol. It’s actually a little fun because we’re doing pilates (blogilates specifically), and now I get to take the lead on training my boyfriend on proper forms. He’s usually the one teaching me everything at the gym, so it’s nice to have the power for once. ;) And I have seen an improvement just from even working out these last three days. If you’re looking for a workout, there’s tons online, but I highly recommend Cassey Ho’s summer sculpt series as a starter exercise routine.

Obviously depending if you work at home, your hours may be a little different. I’m in job search mode so I’m spending my mornings applying and being productive and I’m using my afternoons for my creativity.

I also think it’s so important to have boundaries during this WFH time. I used to freelance years ago and I would sleep in, be on my laptop all day, and I never had a separation from work and home. Now at 5PM, my boyfriend and I put our laptops away and try to focus on each other or just having leisure time. It’s so important especially in a time like this.

And if all else fails, join a book club. One of my best friends and I started this club over a year ago, and now we have over 100 members following the account. It’s the perfect distraction and also a great way to feel connected to a small community. <3 If you’re interested, just follow the account for updates (we’re just about to start our next book).

In any case, I know this has been really hard for so many people. We’re all handling it differently, these are just some tips that have worked for me. I hope you guys are staying safe out there and pls please reach out if you need anything x

