Manifesting a new year

Banana Republic cashmere knit, Zara mules, Urban Outfitters slip dress

Banana Republic cashmere knit, Zara mules, Urban Outfitters slip dress

Hi everyone and happy new year x

Hope you all enjoyed the holiday break. I think we’re all coming to terms with the fact that even though we are in a new year, it doesn’t magically mean everything’s going to be fixed in 2021.

minimal fashion blogger

Even so, I always felt that 21 was a lucky number for me. I was born on September 21, and whenever I played sports (my brief, emphasis on the brief, time in volleyball or track), I always had the number as a homage. Turning 21 on the 21st day made for a phenomenal golden birthday. And this year, I will be turning 30.

Twenty-one has always been special for me and it still is. So even though, in spite of everything that leads me to believe this to be not true — I still think 2021 will be a good year. Somehow.

And I’ve started writing again. Not just here. Even though I love writing here for you guys. But I’ve been writing on my own as well, some personal works, if you will. I don’t know if it will ever amount to anything, but it feels so good just to write again.

urban outfitters slip dress

I feel like me again. And I promise, when I’m feeling less shy, I’ll try to share more of that here when I can.

For now, I’m just laying low this year. I’m taking a break. I really pushed myself last year to focus on my passion projects and I’m sooo happy I did. But, I want to focus a little more internally. I’m still going to be creating content, it’s what I love, but less in quantity and more in quality. I feel really re-inspired this year to create something beautiful, to do some good for the world, to be the best version of myself. I don’t know why. Could be the 21 something.

In any case, I hope 2021 is good to all of you too. If you’ve been with me this long, and you’ve been reading my blog from the beginning, or hey even if this is your first post, I just want you to know I’m really grateful for you. I’m grateful for everyone who takes the time to read my posts, watch my videos, anything. I love connecting with you guys.

This post is everywhere tonight lol, I guess what I’m trying to say is. I’m manifesting a more focused, happy year. Last year was actually not too bad for myself, all things considering. But this year, idk.. I have a good feeling about this one.

